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Ball Python Clutch 07-03 - "Low % Poss. Double Hets" Sire: 02-PDHS-04 (RDR - 01 PDHSN #2b - AKA - Slappy) These possible double hets were produced from breeding a double het SNOW male (Jolliff ) and an Albino male to a 50% possible het Albino female..........who knows what these are...........they are either het Albino..........or possible double het for SNOW. (description from Ralph Davis’s site). We also had this female with a small pastel male, but witnessed no copulations. I am very confident that the pastel did not breed this year.
( AKA - Lil' Momma) This adult female was purchased from Ben Siegel Reptiles
in 5 / 02. The snake was a long term pet that was no longer wanted and
returned to the store. A very nice ball python.
Clutch statistics: 8
eggs (750 g) - 1 egg died in the second week of incubation