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Ball Python Clutch 04-02 Sire: 01-PDHS-04 (RDR - 01 PDHSN #3b) These possible double hets were produced from breeding a double het SNOW male (Jolliff ) and an Albino male to a 50% possible het Albino female..........who knows what these are...........they are either het Albino..........or possible double het for SNOW. (description from Ralph Davis’s site) Dam: LAF-06 This beautiful female was purchased as a wild-caught adult and has been rehabilitated and acclimated here. This snake has a wonderful pattern and appears to be axanthic. We believe that she'll prove out to be an axanthic when bred back to one of her sons. Needless to say, we're very excited about this project! Look below for a couple of pictures of mom, as well as her 6 fat beautiful eggs!
Clutch statistics:
6 eggs total, 6 fertile
Expected Hatched: August 28-29